Aftur + Reykjanesbrautin (2007–2014)

Early 2007 Einar Falur was invited by the Reykjanes Art Museum, in Keflavík, the town where he grew up, to have an solo-exhibition in the fall. For the exhibition he produced the series Aftur – the word having in Icelandic the double meaning to return and something has been closed. Before he started photographing Einar Falur wrote a list of 300 items, places and people, from friends to teachers, he remembered from growing up in Keflavík. Then, over a three months time, he went to Keflavík a couple of times every week and worked from that „script“, photographing for the first time on a 4x5 inch camera which became his main instrument for the next decade.

After the Aftur-exhibition Einar Falur continued working occasionally in the Keflavík area, concentrating on the 45 km lond road between the town and his then current city of Reykjavík, called Reykjanesbrautin. He photographed people and placed close to the road and exhibited a few of the images in 2014.


Sanctuary (2009–2012)


The Heath (2007–)