Sanctuary (2009 – 2012)

The beginning of this series can be traced back to the collapse of the Icelandic banks and economy in the fall of 2008. During that strange time Einar Falur was working on Saga-Sites – In the Footsteps of W.G. Collingwood, a project that became a book and exhibition. Despite being busy with that project Einar Falur asked himself how he could reflect in his medium on the turmoil. He started working on two projects, one of which is Sanctuary.

 This work is connected to the other series, Shelters, but these sanctuaries shelter humans; they provide cover from the aggressiveness of time and situations one cannot control. These are hiding-places and shelters - in nature, in unspoilt places in the Icelandic highlands, in holiday-homes, in backyards, country churches, isolated huts. The sanctuary is where man can be alone with himself and is sheltered. These are real sanctuaries or subjective ones, and also places where men can enjoy the core of existence, create and enjoy art, be with family and friends, and enjoy being alive, embraced by the country. 

Prints from the series have been exhibited in various forms in museums and galleries in several countries.


Shelters (2009–2015)


Aftur + Reykjanesbrautin (2007–2014)